The Feldenkrais Method re-ignites your natural capacity to refine your mental and physical coordination.

You came into the world neurologically pre-mature.

At birth, human coordination is slow to arrive. While a horse is up and running a few hours after its birth, a person’s movement and balance are acquired over several years. Childhood is an intense and vulnerable period of learning where life experience neurologically wires together our sensory and vestibular resources to form and stabilize the habits we take for granted as adults.

For each person this fertile period of learning is unique, incomplete and usually forgotten.

As adults, we tend to rely more and more on a fixed and unconscious repertoire of habits to navigate the dynamic demands of life as an adult. These limitations hide within our muscular habits.

The Feldenkrais Method shines a powerful light into this blind spot.

By using the rules of integration and slowing down the speed of information your brain uses to make distinctions and refinements, Feldenkrais helps you edit and build a more conscious and reliable foundation of perception and action.

Its repertoire of sessions cover almost every imaginable pattern, posture, transition and gesture that human beings enact. The methodology offers a wealth of tools to address nagging injuries, artistic and athletic goals, balance challenges, and the challenges of growth and development across your life span. It helps those who want to integrate their attentional and physical skills in the pursuit of better functioning and longevity.

It is taught in two complementary formats:

  • Self-directed sessions via a live class, recording or written instructions, called Awareness Through Movement.

  • Private hands-on sessions, called Functional Integration.

Photos courtesy of the IFF (International Feldenkrais Federation)


About Moshe Feldenkrais