Honing Self-Organization
Advanced Training for Feldenkrais Practitioners
The Foundations of Skillful, Supported, Accurate Touch
with Jeff Haller, PhD
June 10–15, 2025
Greenwood Masonic Lodge
Seattle, WA, USA
Registration now open!
This Advanced Training for Feldenkrais Practitioners investigates the inner workings of the Feldenkrais Method® and the biological principles that are foundational to the work. It specifically explores Moshe’s statement from the San Francisco training, in which he said he could lift a person’s head without changing the tone in his arms. We investigate principles of movement and self-organization that provide you with specific criteria and a practical path towards greater competency in the work.
Just as the steel in fine knife blades is tempered through a series of heating processes and then honed to develop a lasting durable edge, we learn to temper our skills and hone our own abilities.
Through this workshop, you will discover how to:
Support yourself and work with proportional, equal distribution of tone;
Improve your ability to listen to what your client communicates when you touch them;
Improve the quality of your touch;
Give higher quality Functional Integration® lessons;
Improve your comfort while working;
Take what you have learned in ATM on the floor into active upright movement.
Open to Feldenkrais practitioners and 3rd/4th-year FPTP trainees. This course can serve as a prerequisite for the upcoming IOPS Academy (Ideal Organization & Profound Strength), Jeff Haller's graduate-level program for Feldenkrais practitioners starting in August 2025.
Tuesday, June 10, 2025, 2–6pm
Wednesday–Sunday, June 11–15, 9:30am–4:30pm
$975 if paid by April 15, 2025; $1,175 after.
Feldenkrais First members: $825
Includes course recording and discount on Feldenkrais First membership.
Cost includes 10% nonrefundable deposit.