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No cost to join
Includes access to:
Our free live events & sessions.
Announcements of upcoming workshops, articles & new app content.
App tutorials & search index.
FAQ guide.
Selected discounts.
$30 mo. / $330 yr.
Includes everything in the Free plan and:
Weekly live classes & guided practice.
Our Introductory & Classic session libraries (16 different series).
The FF Community & Events.
Essential theory, Book Reviews, Podcast Interviews.
Special discounts & offers on events and workshops.
$50 mo. / $550 yr.
Includes everything in the Basic plan and:
Jeff Haller’s library of over 450 Awareness Through Movement sessions and growing.
Andrew Gibbons’ Functional Series library: with over 400 Awareness Through Movement sessions organized into coherent functional progressions.
Special discounts & offers on selected events & workshops.
Mark Steinberg, first violinist and founding member Brentano String Quartet, Faculty Yale School of Music
“A wonderful, insightful community of students.
The lessons are stimulating, challenging, and invigorating. My daily run has become a fascinating laboratory for re-exploring ideas and connections that come up in the class. And, as a violinist, my practicing has become more and more suffused with observations born of the class explorations. I've recommended you to numerous students and friends, and many have joined and have thanked me profusely for the recommendation."
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
Feldenkrais First holds a wealth of specific strategies and rigorous ideas to unlock, refine and integrate your coordination and awareness throughout your life.
While similar programs provide "just another workshop," Feldenkrais First is a rich and coherent ecosystem of theory, practice and relevant frameworks so you can improve faster and understand why you're improving.
No matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, Feldenkrais First will meet you where you are and consistently guide you on a clear path of growth and improvement.
You subscription will automatically renew each month/year depending on which option you choose.
You access all of your content via either the website or the mobile app.
You can cancel your subscription at anytime. Our On-Demand options offer á la carte access to specific workshops and events. Subscribers receive special discounts for our on-demand offerings and special events.
We have plenty of both!
Jeff Haller’s library of sessions is comprised of video recordings of Zoom classes. If it's useful for you to see how others are making the movements, or to clarify any of the teacher’s instructions, you'll have ample resources to do so.
Most of the introductory and functional series are audio lessons, and it's important to understand why:
Social media has convinced us that "movement education" requires video to be effective—and in prescriptive exercise this might be so. But in the actual practice, video becomes a distraction from what YOU are doing. In Awareness Through Movement the real skill is turning your attention inward as you compose your patterns of movement. Having to watch a video can be distracting and detrimental to this process of self-observation. The simplicity and slowness of the context here make the "watch the teacher" model not only unnecessary, but ill-advised.
Your learning is deepest when your attention is not split between yourself and a screen.
The audio-only format has the instructions "spoken in your ear," with clear prompts and relevant nuance. Like a good podcast, this frees you to more naturally attend to your own experience of the movements.
Beginners deserve a smooth on-ramp to the practice. Our Introductory Sessions offer over 12 different series, including Moving to Understand, that lay a solid foundation from which a consistent, sustainable practice can grow.
We've heard from hundreds of members—many of whom have been practicing for years—who tell us that Moving to Understand has clarified and established a clearer beginning than they ever had.
There are four main libraries of Awareness Through Movement sessions.
Introductory Series
Classic Series
Jeff Haller's Library
Andrew Gibbons' Functional Series
The Basic plan gives you access to the first two sections (with over 125 sessions), while the Premium plan gives you the entire library (with over 1000 sessions).
Moving to Understand is our introductory series. The sessions explain many of the foundational principles and strategies that are used throughout the app and in every Awareness Through Movement session.
We recommend both beginners and experienced practitioners go through Moving to Understand. You are also encouraged to explore the entire library of sessions, using the search tools to find the relevant lessons by level, pattern, function, anatomy, etc.