The Art & Practice of Functional Integration®

Improving your Excellence as a Feldenkrais Practitioner
with Jeff Haller, PhD

Live online, starting June 10, 2025 (dates & topics below)

Tuesdays, 9:00am—12:00pm PST

Session recordings will be available for participants.

Cost for non-members of Feldenkrais First:
$2,600 before May 15; $3,000 after

(Feldenkrais First members: log in to receive your 30% discount!)

Non-Feldenkrais practitioners are invited to follow from within the scope of their own practices. Certification as a Feldenkrais Practitioner is not part of this program.

About the Course

This program will support your skill development, helping your practice grow by skillfully knowing how to meet the needs of your clientele. Each session will include didactic conversation guided by biomechanical questions related to inhabiting ourselves in gravity.

The course includes four segments of eight three-hour sessions. All sessions are Tuesdays, 9am–12pm PT.

Between segments, two 90-minute online mentoring sessions will be held to support your growth. A follow-up mentoring session will occur ~6 weeks after the course’s completion.

    • An Awareness Through Movement® session;

    • A live demonstration with one of Jeff’s clients;

    • Time for you to practice with one of your clients;

    • Follow-up observations.

    • The series includes an online community discussion forum.

  • Segment 1: Working with the Skeleton, Working with Tissue
    June 10, 17, 24 & July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2025

    The first eight sessions of this course are directed to developing very specific skills:

    • How to work with your clients’ joints, skeleton and tissue to awaken their listening and integration.

    • We will learn specific details for working with:

      • Client’s legs, including feet, knees and hip joints.

      • Arms including shoulders, elbows and hands.

      • Ribs and spine.

      • The relationship of the torso and neck to the carriage of the head.

    Segment 2: Discovering and Working with Patterns
    September 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28 & November 11, 18, 25, 2025

    This segment will be a study of asymmetrical action and patterns of behavior. From the spiral development of a fetus in utero, to the asymmetrical patterns of crawling that babies develop for locomotion, we will look at the warp and weft of how humans lift themselves in gravity and bring their earliest interactions with their supporting surfaces with them. New light will shine on classic ATM lessons to illuminate hidden patterns of action that are not normally distinguished in ATM practice. We will not only begin to notice patterns that were not clear to us, but learn to develop FI practices to support our client’s growth.

    We will work with patterns of:

    • Hidden relationships between pelvis, torso, shoulders and head;

    • Flexion and extension;

    • Twisting and spiraling;

    • Lateral flexion;

    • Rolling for changing orientation;

    • The carriage of the head;

    • From supine, prone, sitting, etc. and moving from one orientation to another.

    Segment 3: Seeing and Supporting Whole Functions
    January 6, 14, 20, 27 & February 3, 10, 17, 24, 2026

    We will examine basic human functions of:

    • Lying;

    • Sitting;

    • Sitting to standing;

    • Perspectives on walking;

    • Climbing stairs;

    • Lifting and supporting weight;

    • Generating centripetal and centrifugal force for dynamic activities that involve rotational forces.

    Segment 4: Composing Lessons
    April 7, 14, 21, 28 & May 5, 12, 19, 26, 2026

    Now the fun begins. Jeff will give a complete FI lesson to his client, with discussion for you to observe, from beginning to end. You’ll see several different camera views and audio, to give a very good look at the lessons unfolding. You will learn to understand the comprehensive way Jeff looks at lessons, and see how the previous three sessions inform how lessons are enabled and unfold. You will learn about the immersive experience from which the environment that Jeff’s client and he produce together, leading to emergent, potent lessons.

Meet the Teacher

Jeff Haller, PhD

As a practitioner for over 40 years, Jeff Haller is known for his understanding of specificity and precision in Functional Integration. 

His clientele ranges from professional and Olympic athletes, performing artists, martial artists, and people from all walks of life helping them with developing highly specialized skills that support what they want and need to do to live and excel in their respective fields of interest. Jeff’s background supports his vision of function: he was a Division I basketball player at Oregon State University; a second degree black belt in Aikido; studied yoga and tai chi; and at one point, was a golfer with a 5 handicap. All of these practices can be seen as art forms with an emphasis on proficiency and clarity of utilizing one’s skeleton for efficiency of action.

Jeff has genuinely dedicated himself to assisting members of the Feldenkrais community in honing their skills as practitioners. He does this by helping them bring crucial biomechanical principles into their personal practice. Since the early 1990s, he's artfully taught many workshops aimed at enhancing practitioners' understanding of self-organization, enabling them to support the people they work with more effectively through their own skill and abilities.


Feldenkrais and the Brain


The Power of Self-Organization